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Michigan Press Association recognizes The Record

The board of directors of the Michigan Press Association (MPA) voted last month to accept The Record into the organization.

Active membership in the MPA is limited to Michigan newspapers and is defined by the state of Michigan.

In order to be considered for membership in the MPA, a publication must be published in English, have a list of paying subscribers and have been circulated no less than weekly intervals without interruption for at least one year. The newspaper must annually average at least 25 percent news and editorial content (any printed matter other than advertising) per issue.

The MPA was established in 1868 and now promotes press freedom through its public policy work, “ease of use” advertising placement, professional development programs and legal hotlines. It’s a source of new ideas for newspapers and their digital and print products.

The 320-plus members of the MPA reach readers in every corner of the state.

The MPA offers its members publications access to a statewide news syndicate service as well as statewide advertising resources.

“Membership in the MPA will give us access to the types of resources we need to continue to grow and expand The Record for our readers,” said Lawrence Sobczak, publisher of The Record.

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