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SOLAR ECLIPSE. Northern Macomb County was one of many areas in North America that experienced a partial solar eclipse on Aug. 21. The partial eclipse as visible from the local area was captured in the top photo using a special solar filter just after its peak of 78 percent coverage. In the bottom photo, a careful observer may have noticed that tree leaves serve as natural pinhole cameras and project crescent-shaped images of the sun onto the ground during the eclipse. The area will experience a near total solar eclipse (99% coverage) on April 8, 2024. (Photos by Larry Sobczak)
Northern Macomb County was one of many areas in North America that experienced a partial solar eclipse on Aug. 21. The partial eclipse as visible from the local area was captured in the top photo using a special solar filter just after its peak of 78 percent coverage. In the bottom photo, a careful observer may have noticed that tree leaves serve as natural pinhole cameras and project crescent-shaped images of the sun onto the ground during the eclipse. The area will experience a near total solar eclipse (99% coverage) on April 8, 2024. (Photos by Larry Sobczak)
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