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NEW PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. Kids returning to school at Amanda Moore Elementary school in Romeo were treated to new playground equipment this week. Pictured left to right, Billy Craffrey, Wade Martone, Mason Lombardo and Carter Vincent were among the first kids to try it out. A school-wide fundraiser held earlier this year brought in $5,206 for the equipment. Workers assembled it over the summer. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Aug. 29. (Submitted photo)
Kids returning to school at Amanda Moore Elementary school in Romeo were treated to new playground equipment this week. Pictured left to right, Billy Craffrey, Wade Martone, Mason Lombardo and Carter Vincent were among the first kids to try it out. A school-wide fundraiser held earlier this year brought in $5,206 for the equipment. Workers assembled it over the summer. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Aug. 29. (Submitted photo)
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