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Posts published in August 2016

Spoiled ballots prompt resignation

BY STACY SOBOTKA An attempt at a recount in the August primary election has caused quite a shakeup in Armada Township. Monica Job ran against incumbent Mary Swiacki for Armada Township Clerk and lost by…

Care used when repairing 100 year-old museum

BY LARRY SOBCZAK EDITOR When you have a 100 year-old building like the Greater Washington Historical Society’s Museum, sometimes even the simplest repairs can be complicated. Case in point occurred in May when a pine…

Dandelions are still legal in Bruce Township

BY STACY SOBOTKA A discussion on noxious weeds was the hot topic of the Bruce Township Board of Trustees meeting Aug. 17. A resident complained to Supervisor Richard Cory about a neighbor who had noxious…

Register for wrestling fundraiser

The Romeo High School Wrestling Team will be holding a bean bag fundraiser, also known as hillbilly horseshoes, at 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 3 at the Romeo Lions Club Refreshment Tent in the Lions Field…

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