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Posts published in “Sheriff’s reports”

Sheriff’s reports…

Assault and battery at the 8600 block of North Stony Drive, Washington Township, 12:52 a.m., Sept. 18; Welfare check at the 60800 block of Waschull Drive, Washington Township, 9:46 a.m., Sept. 18; Larceny from an…

Sheriff’s reports…

Neighbor trouble at the 60600 block of Van Dyke Avenue, Washington Township, 7:29 a.m., Sept. 11; Animal incident at the intersection of Brookside Lane and Brookside Court, Washington Township, 8:30 a.m., Sept. 11; Personal injury…

Sheriff’s reports…

Disorderly conduct at the 57600 block of Abraham Drive, Washington Township, 3:34 a.m., Sept. 4; Drone incident at Roman Drive, Washington Township, 8:19 a.m., Sept. 4; Driving while license suspended at the intersection of 26…

Rochester police report…

The Rochester Police Department responded to an injury accident in the 600 block of North Main Street at 11:13 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 10. Multiple 911 callers reported that a van had been traveling southbound…

Sheriff’s reports…

Threats at the 57200 block of Van Dyke Avenue, Washington Township, 5:17 a.m., Aug. 29; Assist the fire department at the 8800 block of South Laurelwood Square, Washington Township, 12:31 p.m., Aug. 29; Civil matter…

Sheriff’s reports…

Welfare check at the 11800 block of 31 Mile Road, Washington Township, 10:05 a.m., Aug. 21; PPO violation at the 66300 block of Autumn Hollow, Washington Township, 11:23 a.m., Aug. 21; Misdemeanor traffic at the…

Sheriff’s reports…

Parking complaint at the 8700 block of Downing Street, Washington Township, 7:13 a.m., Aug. 14; Animal incident at the intersection of Inwood Road and Mound Road, Washington Township, 7:44 a.m., Aug. 14; Misdemeanor traffic at…

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